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ChangeLog (since 6.9)
here is a very Helpful Converter Made by Brian Conner in the download folder there is a Readme file easy to read on codewriter its what i use.
This awesome converter will help you covert Font files form any of the formats below.
Script to automate renaming cross-platform saber sound fonts. Welcome to the multi-board soundfont renaming conversion tool! - by r/Mormegil, modified by r/NoSloppy. This tool will convert from: Proffie to (proper) Proffie, including adding .ini files for you CFX to GoldenHarvest CFX to Xenopixel Proffie to CFX Proffie to GoldenHarvest Proffie to Xenopixel Xenopixel to CFX Xenopixel to GoldenHarvest The converted soundfonts are placed in a new folder named 'Converted_to_'X'', where X is the board you chose to convert to.
Demo Video here (preliminary version):
Just move a copy of the fonts you want to convert into the SoundFontNamingConverter folder with the tool files.
Link to file below
**If you find this very useful, please go and show some love to the man for his hard work. :)
This is for those customers who upload configs
- Live preset changing while blade is running (skips font.wav and preon).
- Battle Mode, gesture ignitions, and multi-blast based on fett263's work.
- Auto enter/exit multi-blaster block mode
- Spoken Battery level, with percentage option.
- Added quote sound so force.wavs can remain as force.
- Add quote.wav files to font to use.
- Play / Stop track control while blade is on.
- Force Push is always available, not just in Battle Mode.
- Melt is always available as no button, with pull-away or button to end.
- Drag is always clash with button pressed while pointing down.
- No blade = no gestures option if Blade Detect is used.
- Use wav files for talkie things.
- Optional On-the-fly volume controls with cycle through min and max levels.
Optional Blade style elements:
On-Demand battery level - A layer built into the blade styles that reacts
as the battery gets weaker, changing blade color
from Green to Red, and the blade length shortens:
EFFECT_USER1 - use as a standalone trigger for EffectSequence<>,
for example as a way to have multiple blade styles in one preset.
- Usage:EffectSequence<EFFECT_USER1, item1, item2...>
- Custom swap.wav files can be used as the sound effect,
otherwise ccchange.wav is used.
EFFECT_USER2 - for blade effects with sounds that might work better without hum,
this plays sounds monophonically.
(think seismic charge silence, iceblade etc...)
- monosfx.wav files are used. It can be just the sound, or a
blade effect too by using EFFECT_USER2 in a TransitionEffectL.
Optional #defines:
#define ENABLE_AUTO_SWING_BLAST - Multi-blast initiated by simply swinging
within 1 second of last blast.
Exit by not swinging for 1 second.
#define VOLUME_MENU_CYCLE - This allows the Volume menu to loop through from
maximum back to minimum and vice versa.
#define FEMALE_TALKIE_VOICE - To use a female voice version of onboard Talkie.
#define NO_VOLUME_MENU - Option to omit On-the-fly Volume menu control with buttons.
Gesture Controls:
- There are four gesture types: swing, stab, thrust and twist.
For simplicity, using gesture ignition will automatically skip the preon effect.
Below are the options to add to the config to enable the various gestures:
#define BC_SWING_ON
#define BC_STAB_ON
#define BC_THRUST_ON
#define BC_TWIST_ON
#define BC_TWIST_OFF
- If using blade detect, Gesture ignitions or retractions are disabled.
**NOTE** Only works when a BLADE_DETECT_PIN is defined.
- This mode plays a force sound (or force push sound if the font contains it) with
a controlled pushing gesture, and is always available, not just in Battle Mode.
- Used for adjustment to the Push gesture length in millis needed to trigger
Force Push. Recommended range 1 ~ 10,
1 = shortest, easiest to trigger, 10 = longest. Default value is 5.
- Makes gesture ignition ALSO enter battle mode automatically on ignition.
"Battle Mode 1.0" by fett263, BC modified version:
- Once you enter battle mode, buttons are not used for lockup.
Clashing the blade against something will automatically do lockup and then end
when you pull away.
- Automatic lockup and grazing clash (swinging through) detection works
by measuring delay of the saber blade pulling back from the clash.
If you clash the blade and it does not pull back during the delay period,
it is assumed to be a lockup and the lockup effect will show on the blade.
If you clash the blade and pull away, only the bgn/end lockup effects will show.
You can adjust the threshold of this detection by using:
#define BC_LOCKUP_DELAY (insert number here)
Default value is 200.
If you don't rebound off the object (opponent's blade) but instead clash while
swinging through, clash will automatically trigger.
- To manually override the auto-lockup temporarily and get a regular clash,
hold any button while clashing.
- Automatic clash/lockup uses the pre and post lockup effects
so your blade style and font MUST have those capabilities to support
battle mode.
- Melt will automatically trigger with no buttons when you physically
stab something, and end when you pull away or push any button.
- Stab will trigger either with no buttons and thrusting forward,
or with any button and physically stabbing something.
====================== 1 BUTTON CONTROLS ========================
| Sorted by ON or OFF state: (what it's like while using saber) |
************* WHILE SABER BLADE IS OFF ***************
Turn blade ON - Short click POW (or gestures if defined, uses FastOn)
Turn ON without preon - Short click POW while pointing up.
Turn blade ON Muted - 4x click and hold POW.
Next Preset - Long click and release POW.
Prev Preset - Double click and hold POW, release after a second.
(click then long click)
Play/Stop Track - 4x click POW.
Volume Menu:
Enter/Exit - Hold POW + Clash.
Volume UP - Long click and release POW while in Volume Menu. (just like next preset)
Volume DOWN - Double click and hold POW, release after a second while in Volume Menu.
(click then long click, just like next preset)
Spoken Battery Level
in volts - Triple click POW.
in percentage - Triple click and hold POW.
On-Demand Batt Level - Double click POW.
(requires EFFECT_BATTERY_LEVEL to be in blade style,
and uses battery.wav sound effect.)
************* WHILE SABER BLADE IS ON ****************
Play/Stop Track - 4x click POW.
Next Preset - Long click and release POW while pointing up.
Prev Preset - Double click and release POW after a second
while pointing up. (click then long click)
Clash - No buttons, just hit the blade against something.
In Battle Mode, Hold POW and Clash to temporarily
override the auto-lockup and do regular Clash.
Stab - Either no button and just Thrust forward,
or Hold any button and physically stab something.
Works in Battle Mode!
Blaster Blocks - Click or Double click POW.
Auto Swing Blast - if #define ENABLE_AUTO_SWING_BLAST is active,
swinging within 1 second of doing button activated
Blaster Block will start this timed mode.
To trigger auto blaster blocks, swing saber
within 1 second of last Swing Blast block.
To exit, stop swinging for 1 second.
Lockup - Hold POW + Clash.
In Battle Mode, just Clash and stay there,
pull away or press POW to end lockup.
Drag - Hold POW + Clash while pointing down.
Melt - No button, just stab something. pull away or
press POW to end.
Lightning Block - Double click and hold POW.
Battle Mode - Triple click and hold POW to enter and exit.
Power OFF is disabled while in Battle Mode,
Force Effect - Hold POW + Twist. (while NOT pointing up or down)
Monophonic Force - Hold POW + Twist. (while pointing up)
Color Change Mode - Hold POW + Twist. (while pointing down)
- Rotate hilt to cycle through all available colors, or
- Click POW to change if ColorChange<> used in blade style,
- Click + hold POW to save color selection and exit.
- Triple click POW to exit without changing color.
ColorChange explained:
If the style uses ColorChange<>, when you activate color change mode,
there will be up to 12 steps per rotation with a little sound at each step.
If it does not use ColorChange<>, the color wheel will be activated,
which has 32768 steps per rotation.
COLOR_CHANGE_DIRECT makes it so that IF the style uses ColorChange<>,
when you activate color change mode, it will immediately go to the
next color and exit color change mode. If the style does not use
ColorChange<>, it has no effect.
Quote Player - Triple click POW.
Force Push - Push hilt perpendicularly from a stop.
Swap (EffectSequence) - 4x click and hold POW medium. (while NOT pointing up)
PowerSave Dim Blade - 4x click and hold POW medium. (while pointing up)
(To use Power Save requires AlphaL based EffectSequence in style)
Turn off blade - Hold POW and wait until blade is off,
or Twist if using #define BC_TWIST_OFF.
TL;DR; you can download ProffieOS 6.9 from:
Below is a list of features added in ProffieOS 6.x:
See bottom of post for information about how to help with testing.
Main links:
Configuration/Programming instructions:
Configuration/Programming troubleshooting:
Proffieboard Wiring and hardware pages:
Blade style Configurators
Current version OS 5.9 Board V2,2 White and gold or Black and Gold
Up Coming update will include
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Thank you for your support.